- Canadian Vet: Woodrow Wear Introduces the Power Paws Line of Traction Aids for Dogs . November/December, 2009, Industry News on page 26.
- AKC Gazette: Article titled “Sock It to Hip Dysplasia” includes info about Power Paws – benefits, typical uses, and why they were invented. (December 2009)
- Clinician’s Brief of the North American Veterinary Conference: Announcement of Power Paws for dogs with difficulty maneuvering.(November 2009)
- A blog post about senior dogs, their mobility issues, and Power Paws. (October 15, 2009)
- This blot post answers questions about Power Paws from people who are new to them. (October 9, 2009)
- A nice blog post that ties an earlier story about the need for chiropractic services for pets to the Power Paws solution. (October 5, 2009)