We really enjoy these dog-related resources, and we hope you do, too. If you have any you’d like to share, please email us with your links.
- Fun Dog Sites
- Senior Dogs
- Puppies
- Dog Health
- Dog Safety Issues
- Travelling with your Dog
- Dog Behavior & Training
- Dog-Related Organizations
Fun Dog Sites
- Katie’s Bumpers – a great selection of fun and unique dog toys
- Greeting Cards – dog-related greeting cards (print and online)
- Dog Names – A list of top 100 dog names of all time
Caring for Senior Dogs
- Caring for Aging Pets – a good article describing the care and changing needs of older dogs
- Dealing with Health Issues – senior pets have special health needs and issues.
- Caring for a senior pet – 5 important things to know
- Keeping your senior dog healthy – tips from “The Senior Dogs” project
- The Science of Puppy Selection, Raising & Training – a detailed article about puppy behavior and the science behind it. Thank you to Nicole’s class in the Pine Mountain School District in California for this great resource!
Dog Health
- Overall Dog Health – This page from the AKC provides many changing articles related to dog health.
- Tick-Transmitted Diseases – Information on Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and other diseases that come from tick bites, plus how to remove a tick.
Research Sites dedicated to Dog Health
Dog Safety
- Microchips – some questions and answers about microchips
- Finding a Lost Pet – what to do when your pet is missing
- Dog Tags – Custom identification tags (dog tags) in all shapes and sizes
Dog First Aid
- Emergencies and First Aid – How to build a first aid kit for your pet, and basic first aid knowledge that will surely come in handy
- Common Household Dangers – A list of the foods and items around the home that are poisonous to dogs
- Poisonous Foods List
Dog Care in Extreme Weather
- Winter Care – 15 tips and info for care in cold weather
- Summer Safety Tips – tips and info for care in warm or hot weather, including travel, and water safety.
Traveling with your Dog
- Pet Friendly Travel Guide – All inclusive listing by country, state, and city of things to do, places to go, travel tips, etc.
- Traveling with your Dog – lots of interesting tips for travel with your pet, whether by car, plane, train, etc.
- Travel considerations – a comprehensive guide to traveling with, or without, your pets.
Dog Behavior & Training
- Preventing Behavior Issues – 10 quick tips for preventing behavior problems – from PetMed MD.
- Care and Training – from dogbreedinfo.com
- Training – training resources from the AKC
Humane Societies
Dog Breed Info & Dog Clubs
- American Kennel Club– lots of info on breeds, clubs, events, health, news
- Dog Breed Info – a nice combined resource center for lots of general info
- Small Dog Breed Info – a nice collection of information, about smaller dog breeds, their behaviors, health care needs, and more.
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