You may find that with the new mobility your pet has while wearing Power Paws, he or she won’t stop at the door long enough for you to remove them before venturing outside! You may also choose to take your dog outside wearing Power Paws (for protection in the snow, salt, heat, or as a layer of protection against allergens, like pollen, dust and grass). When your Power Paws get dirty or wet, just throw them in the washer!
Power Paws can be washed just like clothes. We recommend permanent press or gentle cycle with cold water to avoid shrinkage.
Dry on low heat or air dry, and your Power Paws will come out clean and good as new.
If you are trying to shrink your Power Paws because they twist, machine wash in warm water, then air dry. If the fit is perfect,
you are done shrinking. If the fit is better, but not perfect, wash them on warm and dry on warm. This stepped approach takes a little longer but is designed to give you the best fit.